Due to our design and high-performance components, Miglas windows and doors can be manufactured to meet the most exacting demands for thermal efficiency, solar heat gain, and air infiltration as well as eco aspects or bushfire ratings.
Ratings and certificates are an integral aspect of verified product quality and an important guide in your decision making process. The subcategories show and explain important values.
Miglas works closely with the relevant associations for guaranteed, certified performance ratings. This allows you to obtain a valid, independent third party audit.
It gives you peace of mind that you have purchased the correct certified product.
Eco-friendly, Energy Efficient & Comfortable.
We are happy to supply additional information about the material and components we use - please contact us.
AGWA Member
Miglas is a member of the AGWA (Australian Glass & Window Association). It is our ambition to actively participate in the development of standards, ratings and certificates.
Having our staff attend seminars offered by various industry related organisations, enables us to meet your requirements with up to date knowledge.
WERS - Window Energy Rating Scheme
Shows your Energy Efficiency. On www.wers.net you can compare ratings and find more information about the concept itself.
Green Star Ratings
Green Star is the first comprehensive method for evaluating the environmental design of Australian buildings based on a number of criteria, including energy and water efficiency, quality of indoor environment and resource conservation.
Assesses products and their components relative to environmental & healthier living aspects.
Forestry Standards
Timber is a major component of Miglas’ products. The timber is AFS certified for sustainable forest management and is recognised by the European standard PEFC.
Australian Standards 2047
Is the basic standard for windows and doors. Every window manufactured in or imported to Australia has to comply with the standard. The subsections give more detailed information about the tests and the ratings that are required for different regions. The standard includes structural integrity, water-resistance and air infiltration.
Noise Reduction
Acoustical performance ratings measure the amount of sound transmission through a window. The higher the sound transmission rating, the better the product.
Bushfire Rating
The Miglas FireGuard 40 system is the first fully tested bushfire window and door range in Australia. Testing was conducted at Exova Warrington Dandenong Victoria, a NATA accredited laboratory and exceeded AS 1530.8.1:2007 to comply with the requirements of AS 3959: 2009. This means the system is a complete bushfire resistant solution for all bushfire attack levels up to and including BAL-40 without the need for external shutters.