At Miglas, we pride ourselves on the quality of our products and aim to exceed industry standards. Our AliClad system has been designed to be bushfire resistant for all attacks up to and including BAL-40, without needing external shutters.
BAL-rated Windows
New construction projects in bushfire-prone areas require assessment for bushfire attack levels (BAL). It is a means of measuring the risk of a building being affected by a bushfire, and helps to determine the amount of protection that building would need to withstand a fire. A BAL is measured based on how close the building is to bushland, the type of vegetation around it, and the slope of land. The higher the BAL, the more protection the building will require from bushfires. BAL-40 is the second-highest level, representing a very high risk.
Our Bushfire-rated Windows
The Miglas AliClad system was the first fully tested range of bushfire windows and doors in Australia. Testing was conducted at the Exova Warrington Dandenong Victoria, a NATA-accredited laboratory and exceeded AS 1530.8.1-2007 to comply with the requirements of AS 3959-2009. This means the system is a complete bushfire-resistant solution for all bushfire attack levels up to and including BAL-40 without the need for external shutters.
Australian-designed and manufactured, our composite double glazed window system protects from ember attack and close proximity fire. AliClad is specially designed to minimise the transfer of radiant heat from a bushfire to the inside of your home. When compared to a single glazed bushfire-compliant windows, this provides a result approximately 10 times more effective. By reducing the radiant heat transfer there is not only protection for combustible materials such as curtains and furniture, but further protection to the occupants.
Many locations where bushfires are a concern are commonly associated with superb views. Understanding this, Miglas have tested fire-resistant windows and doors to sizes much larger than those required by the Australian Standards. Our Aliclad product allows you to build your home with bushfire safety and easily meet the increasing energy efficiency requirements without compromising on design. Any glazing element can reach 6m2, over twice what is allowed in standard tested windows.
Our Products
A complete range of modular window designs to fulfil any design requirement, from maximising ventilation to large uninterrupted picture windows to soak up the view. Enjoy excellent performance and efficiency from a leading composite window manufacturer.
High-performance doors that play a vital role in providing access, ventilation, and integration of your indoor and outdoor spaces. Miglas doors offer exceptional security with a state-of-the-art German multi-point locking system that is near impenetrable.
What is AliClad?Miglas AliClad is a timber window with a durable aluminium exterior that mimics the appearance of a painted timber window without ever needing to paint. It combines the advantage of a durable exterior with the beauty of a timber interior. The AliClad system is thermally efficient and long-lasting, in addition to exceeding the performance of most other windows on the market.
What is double glazing?Double glazing is a method of creating windows with two layers of glass that have an argon space and spacer bar between them. Double-glazed windows and doors are designed to reduce the loss of heat and exclude external noise, making them an ideal product for houses and properties. Although some double glazing air space can range from 6-28mm, when simulating Australian conditions, a gap of 12-16mm provides the best thermal performance. One glass panel should have a low-E coating to better retain heat while blocking damaging UV rays.
Do I need double glazing?Double glazing offers convenient comfort and security levels all year round. In addition to the glazing, minimal air leakage is important for thermal efficient windows and doors. Double glazing is necessary for modern homes to block unwanted heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter. Low conductive frame material (ie. timber), compressible gaskets and supporting hardware are additions you should consider.
Is double glazing enough?Double glazing is only one component that contributes to performance. The frame, gaskets and hardware, as well as the level of craftsmanship, all influence the quality of the product. It is important to choose a custom size that will fit tight to your structure, sealing the window or door frame to the structure itself. This guarantees there is no thermal or noise leakage around the window or door, creating a barrier from the outside elements.
Is AliClad eco-friendly?The life cycle expectations of an AliClad window outperform other window options. The combination of a durable, low-maintenance exterior and sustainable timber interior will last for 50+ years. Our AliClad products are energy efficient, make use of component recycling, and have no toxic wash off. A large amount of our materials are sourced inside of Australia, decreasing cradle-to-gate carbon emissions.
How often does AliClad need to be replaced?AliClad has an extremely long lifespan, with most products lasting for more than 60 years without requiring a replacement. Wood naturally lasts for decades, and the aluminium cladding adds extra protection that extends the lifespan of our windows and doors. Our AliClad products also require minimal maintenance and upkeep to preserve their longevity.
Why not just an aluminium window?While aluminium windows do not require maintenance, the frames are highly conductive, creating a thermal bridge. This means that warmth will get lost through the frame in winter or unwanted heat is gained in summer. Thermal bridges should be avoided to achieve thermal efficiency and to reduce the potential of creating condensation on the inside of the window’s frame in colder months. The Miglas AliClad windows and doors are thermally broken and provide superior performance.
How much are your products?Every project is unique. This means we assess your project individually to meet the specific requirements and customise windows and doors to suit your design. Our windows and doors are bespoke, high-performance products beyond double glazing. The choice of hardware, style, size and glass type will impact the overall price. We will provide a detailed quotation based on the details supplied, including alternate options and cost variations. Please send your plans or window schedule (sizes and requirements) to info@miglas.com.au to receive your free, no-obligation quotation.
Aluclad vs uPVCBoth aluclad and uPVC products are low maintenance, though aluclad products are considered superior to uPVC in terms of durability, energy efficiency and premium appearance. Aluclad does come at a higher cost. uPVC windows and doors tend to be cheaper but are less robust and lack the aesthetic appeal of aluclad. The lifespan of uPVC windows is much less than AliClad, and you are likely to pay to replace your windows twice in the same lifespan of an AliClad system. The long-term durability of aluclad makes it a worthwhile investment in almost all cases.